Local CEO - Just Breath

Welcome to the Local CEO series, where we highlight entrepreneurs and their journey through entrepreneurship while they share wisdom for the next up and coming Local CEO.

Welcome to Just Breath, a Locally owned and operated Aromatherapy business started in July 2020 by Mrs. Teresa Adams.

We were able to catch up with Mrs Adams as she shared with us a bit about her business!

Tell us a bit about your business

I am a certified aromatherapist who offers organic vegan products (bath and shower essentials )for my clients. I also provide personal essential oil products for clients who suffer with anxiety and depression. I believe oils provide natural relief for many health issues and I educate my clients concerning alternative medicine.

Why do you do what you do?

It’s my passion

If you could go back in time to when you started this Entrepreneur journey, what advice would you give yourself?

Be kind to yourself Teresa! Your doing so much better than you realize

Where can we find you? List your social media accounts, websites & any other platforms


IG and Facebook : justbreatheexhale

List your business contact information, opening hours, & location.



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